Los intensivos o inmersiones de AcroYoga de nuestra escuela constan de 4 días de entrenamiento (30 horas), son la mejor manera de profundizar y aumentar las habilidades que has aprendido en clases, en talleres, festivales o quedadas (Jams). Los Intensivos te preparan para dar el salto en tu camino como AcroYogui: poder entrar en una de nuestras formaciones para convertirte en un profesor de AcroYoga.
Estas inmersiones son impartidas por profesores que llevan una continua capacitación bajo la supervisión de nuestro fundador, David Barreto, de esta manera podemos ofrecerte un desarrollo en tus habilidades de manera segura y efectiva.
basic-intermediate course
Immerse yourself in this course to learn all aspects of the acroyoga practice. We offer you a safe, trusting and supportive environment, where you can acquire tools that strengthen the foundations that will help you overcome your limits. You will be surprised at what you can achieve while improving your body's abilities with yoga, dance and acrobatics training, plus the therapeutic part for physical recovery. We hope that with this course you can connect in the community, make new friends, and receive everything you need so that you can then continue developing your practice.
Advanced immersions are for those people who want to continue raising their level and master more advanced acroyoga techniques. In this course we are going to increase your dynamic flights in L-base and standing, with yoga, dance and acrobatics techniques. The progressive methodology for both the care and safety technique provides a collaborative and advanced path no matter what level you are at, in this way, you will be able to develop habits to trust yourself and others, generating positive results that They will last a lifetime.
The therapy will also be broader with more complex techniques for effective recovery.
Oqui López, Madrid
¡Por supuesto que lo recomiendo , he estado en el intensivo del 6 al 9 de diciembre y he sido Feliz. Además del dominio del acroyoga, transmitir es sumamente importante, generar un ambiente de armonía, confianza y apertura en donde te encuentres a gusto, sintiéndote en sincronía contigo y los demás, que estás segur@ y en una compañía inmejorable con profes que te cuidan, se lo curran, tienen paciencia y disfrutan de lo que hacen, eso, todo eso encuentras con el equipo de Acroyoga prem.
Pero a mí no me gusta convencer a nadie, es mi vivencia, así que no me creas, pruébalo y disfruta de la experiencia
Miguel, Tenerife
I recommend the intensive courses for anyone who wants to get started in the world of acroyoga or for people with experience who want to delve a little deeper into their practice. The intensive course gives a global vision of all the parts involved in acroyoga: yoga, acro (solar and lunar) and Thai massage.
The teachers have been very nice and have made these 4 days a very pleasant experience. Good energy and good disposition all the time.
Thank you and keep up the good work 🙏☺️
Aina Mol, Valencia
Four incredible days of intensive in Madrid!!! The program has been very complete, and we haven't stopped, I feel like I have learned a lot! The trainers are great, they have been listening at all times, attentive and always willing to repeat and show the sequences, postures and exercises. I hope to repeat very soon!