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What is AcroYoga?

The word Acro from the Greek “Akros” (High), and the word “Yoga” derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj (Union)
They tell us that AcroYoga means elevating union or uniting on high. Thus, it is a practice that embodies union with others, experiencing ourselves through others. Cultivate community connection and awareness of safety and care so that people can grow inspired by the play of acrobatics and the loving wisdom of yoga.


There are three main roles within the practice:

  • Base:
    The person who holds or supports with his strength and bone architecture. It can be in various positions, L base lying, sitting, kneeling or standing.

  • Flying:
    The person who will rise and lean on the base to do figures, yoga postures, turns, jumps, inverts, swinging movements, etc.

  • Carer: The person who maintains the safety of the flyer and supervises the base lines. He also plays the role of coach, observing the harmony, care and enthusiasm of the situation.



At AcroYogaPrem we are inspired by the vision of yoga so that people, through yoga-acrobatic flight, acquire qualities beyond the physical ones. We intend to maintain the search for gradual purity of actions through the art of progressive construction of vianyasa krama in the aspects of concentration, movement, breathing, alignment, coordination, restoration, relaxation, connection, etc. Uniting individual, couple and group dynamics, to support classic yoga figures, techniques and asanas, a broad exploration of inverts, duo sequences, pyramids, games, community practice, and the power of clear and harmonious that allows us to expand other horizons of communication and trust.

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